Monday, December 14, 2009

I have been busy sorting stuff out for christmas, i am almost sorted, just got a few more things to wrap. I have also been doing my university course, i got 84% in my first tutor marked assignment, so im over the moon with it. Its not easy studying while coping with this sort of illness. I went to GP the other day for results of my blood test, they said that my red blood cells are much smaller than normal so i have to have those repeated on Monday, also there was somethig about my kidney but I can't remember what she said, i have to have kidney test in about 6 weeks or 6 months again i can't remember. She is also referring me to Rheumotology and has increased my pain killers, slightly. I have to go and see her weekly or something and discuss each individual symptom untill we get to the bottom of the list, with a phsyical examination she can include her findings in the letter. She told me that it's not always helpful to have this label and that it can have serious implications on your life, it has been 10 years now and I have still not had anything done. I mean it's just getting ridiculous isn't it. I have been feeling quite depressed as well over one thing and another, mainly the fact that there is no cure, that i can feel myself getting worse each day, as the winter is setting in. I feel that people don't understand, yes everyone is cold, but they don't understand that for me the cold is not just cold but so much more. they don't understand that no matter what time i go to bed i will still be awake at silly o'clock. Actually thats not true coz i don't have too mcuh of a problem going to sleep, its staying asleep. I went to to bed at about midnight last night was asleep by 1 and woke up 4 times with in 1 hour. By 5.30 i had had 25mins sleep (approx). People can't possibly function on these terms.